EPC is Engineering, Procurement, and Construction. In solar industry EPC term is used for providing end-to-end solar services from designing the system, procuring the components and installing the project.

O & M has become a standalone segment within the solar industry. O& M in simple words indicate Operating and Maintenance. Thus, at Envious Energy we take care of projects from Operation to Maintenance.

Liasoning Approvals and Liasoning is the initial phase in any Solar Power project. It requires the following (depending on the size of work):

(A) Project registration at MNRE (Ministry of Non Renewable Energy) nodal agency

(B) LTOA (Long Term Open Agreement) related works

(C) Plant commissioning certificate

(D) PPA (power purchase agreement) with private/government

(E) Land related paper work

(F) REC (Renewable Energy Certificate) related SLDC Registration,

(G) Accreditation Certificate

(H) NLDC Registration

We take care of it all and ease the burden off our clients’ shoulders.